Research of tourist's destination choice which is an important part of tourist's decision-making pro- cess play a significant role in destination marketing. This paper explores the process and the influencing fac- tors of ethnic tourist's destination choice based on interviewing Hui tourists in Linxia City by means-end method. In means-end research, a semi-structured one-on-one interviewing procedure, known as laddering, is typically used to'identify the elements making up tourists' means-end chains. Totally, there are 43 Hui tourists accepted interview and finished the interviewing process. The interviewer selected one of the factors (at- tributes) mentioned and, using the laddering procedure, asked the respondent the reasons s/he mentioned the attribute until the respondent could not go on. The pattern of links among the ACV concepts was then sum- marized in an implication matrix. This matrix was then used as the basis for constructing a hierarchical value map (HVM)-a summary chart that graphically depicts the key links among the ACV concepts. Research con- clusions indicate that the first factor influencing Hui tourist's destination choice is culture, including Islamic food and Hui atmosphere. The second factor is the landscape of destination which reflects the preference of Hui tourist psychologically. The factor of distance exerts crucial influence on the final destination choice made by Hui tourist. Simultaneously, research shows Hui tourists have their own unique characteristics in destination choice. Finally, it presents the implications to tourism marketing, positioning and product devel- opment.