With the fast development of automobile industry, six main agglomeration areas such as northeast, Yangtze River Delta region, Wuhan-Shiyan region, Chongqing, Pearl Delta region and Beijing-Tianjin area have been formed. Agglomeration economies and FDI significantly influence the automobile efficiency in China. The paper intends to explore how the agglomeration economies and FDI influence Chinese automobile efficiency. The result confirms that inner scale economies, urbanization and localization economies can significantly raise automobile industry efficiency. A large automobile enterprise performs better if it is located in a large city or with large scale of automobile industry because it can take advantages of infrastructure, labor markets and information resources, also, it can strengthen relationship with other enterprises. FDI has complex influence on Chinese automobile industry. First, FDI as a whole in the city does not have spillover effect on the city's automobile industry. Second, a city's actually used automobile FDI does not have spillover effect on whole automobile enterprises but has significant spillover effect on automobile assembly enterprises.