对白洋淀淀区内8个自然生境下芦苇根际丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizae,AM)空间分布和土壤成分测定分析,结果表明:芦苇能与AM真菌形成共生关系,AM真菌不同结构定殖和孢子密度与样地生态条件密切相关.在光淀张庄AM侵染率达到最高,其中菌丝定殖率为32.53%,总侵染率为33.30%.AM真菌和土壤因子的回归分析结果表明,速效P对泡囊侵染率、菌丝侵染率、总侵染率的影响最大,并呈显著负相关.其次影响大的是有机质,呈显著正相关.丛枝侵染率与土壤因子之间均无显著相关性.孢子密度与泡囊、菌丝定殖率和总定殖率呈明显正相关.
Spatial distributions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from the rhizosphere of Phragmites communis and its relativity to soil factors were investigated in wetland of Baiyangdian.The result showed that Phragmites communis could symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal,and different sample sites significantly affected the colonization of different structure and spore density of AM fungi.The highest values of vesicular colonization of different structure and spore density were in Guangdianzhangzhuang.Spore density was very significantly correlated with vesicular colonization,hypha colonization and total colonization.Vesicular colonization of AM fungi was significantly correlated with soil available P and N,same as total colonization and hypha colonization.