The peri-urbanization area as a kind of rural-urban interface is changing rapidly, in physical, economic, and social terms. The land use pattern in such area is shifting away from the assumptions of mainstream paradigrns to new conceptual landscapes, which leads to a series of problem on economic development and social stabilization. There are many researches on non-agricultural land-use in peri-urbanization area. In this paper, both international and domestic research literature is reviewed by dividing six parts. The first part introduces the conception of peri-urbanization area and its driver factors. Then in the second and the third part, the paper expatiates the progress in the non-agricultural landuse in peri-urban area on landuse pattern, evolution, characteristics, problems etc. The forth part focuses on the reasons that cause the landuse problems in the research area, while the fifth part reviews the integrating ways of non-agricultural landuse. Finally, recommendations for further study are drawn with specific reference to the current and future position of non-agricultural land-use study in periurban area.