采用助熔剂预烧-共沉淀法制备初始荧光亮度较高的SrAl2O4:Eu^2+,Dy^3+发光粉体,并利用XRD、SEM、PL光谱等表征手段研究了预烧结过程与硼酸掺杂对发光粉体的结构与荧光性能的影响。结果表明:在硼酸摩尔分数为0.3和300℃空气气氛下对前驱体预烧结2 h后,粉体的结晶性能得到改善,其初始荧光强度相对于未预烧的产品,提高了2倍多。初步研究了其发光机理,发现初始强度提高的原因是经过预烧结处理能够在Eu^2+周围产生更多的氧缺陷,从而提高了发光中心的发光效率和强度。
The influence of precalcining and boron addition on the microstructure and photoluminescent properties of SrAl2O4:Eu^2+,Dy^3+ phosphors synthesized via a flux-coprecipitation method was investigated using X ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). Nearly twice enhancement on the initial photoluminescent intensity was obtained through the precalcining process at 300 ℃ for 2 h. The crystallization was improved apparently, and the photoluminescent mechanism was preliminary studied. The enhancement on the initial photoluminescent intensity was caused by the precalcining process, which faciliated the boron's effect as a flux along with the formation of more oxygen vacancies around Eu^2+ ions, which resulted in the remarkable increase of the initial photoluminescent intensity of samples.