Lantana camara L. is verbenaceae dwarf shrub that grows normally in copper(Cu) polluted soils. However, its Cu-tolerant mech- anisms are not clear yet. In this study, a pot experiment was conducted to investigate its growth, antioxidant enzyme activities and Cu uptake, translocation and subcellular distribution. Compared with the control, all root, stem and leaf biomass increased by 4%-29% in soils with Cu up to 600 mg·kg-1, whereas the shoot biomass decreased by 19%-39% when soil Cu was higher than 600 mg·kg-k The concentrations of Cu in whole plant ranged from 12.45 mg·kg-1 to 59.17 mg·kg-1, with higher in roots than in shoots. Between 37%~64% of root Cu was stored in the soluble fraction of roots, whereas 40%-43% and 29% ~38% of Cu in stems and leaves were stored in their cell walls, respectively. The superoxide dismutase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase activities in roots and leaves enhanced with increasing soil Cu up to 600 mg·kg-1, indicating that L. camara is able to relieve the oxidative stress; However, these activities displayed decreases in leaves but little change in roots when the soil Cu was greater than 600 mg· kg-1. These results showed that the tolerance of L. camara to Cu was weaker in leaves than in roots. The tolerance mechanisms might include root restriction, soluble fraction and cell wall immobilization, and antioxidant system responses.