对生态型氧化沟在不同季节各采样点的污水质量浓度变化以及植物吸收作用的影响进行了研究.结果表明,污水化学需氯量(Chemical oxygen demand,COD)、总氮(Total nitrogen,TN)、NH4+-N、总磷(Totalphosphorous,TP)等指标在各采样点的动态变化受进水质量浓度及季节变化的影响,除COD以外,其他指标在各采样点的质量浓度基本上表现出冬天〉春天〉秋天〉夏天的规律.COD、NH4+-N、TN、TP等的质量浓度,除在B采样点处随着溶解氧(Dissolved oxygen,DO)的质量浓度升高而有大幅度降低以外,在其他采样点的变化较小;从植物吸收带走的氮、磷来看,美人蕉(Canna indica)对氮、磷的去除量最大,分别为14.50 g/m3和2.14 g/m3,蕹菜(Ipomoea aquatica)对氮的去除量最少,仅为5.457 g/m3.根据质量平衡原理,0.08%-0.23%的氮和0.03%-0.18%的磷从植物的收割中被去除,单从植物吸收带走的氮磷量来看,其直接去除能力比较有限,但其间接作用不可忽视.
Changes of sewage concentration in different sample ports of the ecological oxidation ditch and the plants absorbing effect were studied.The results showed that dynamic change of COD,TN,NH+4-N and TP concentration in different sample ports was affected by the inflow concentration and season changes.The orderline of 〉winter〉spring〉autumn〉summer showed the other contaminations except COD in different sample ports.Changes of COD,TN,NH+4-N and TP concentration was less with more DO concentration in different sample ports except B point.The contribution rate of the plant absorbing TN and TP was studied as the Canna indica was the most value at 14.50 g/m3 and 2.140 g/m3,that of Ipomoea aquatica were only 5.457 g/m3 of TN.Based on nutrient balance theory,only 0.08%-0.23% of TN and 0.03%-0.18% of TP were absorbed by aboveground biomass.The immediacy function of the plant was not perfect,but the existing of plant increased pollutants removed by indirect mechanisms.