茜坑水库是位于深圳市宝安区观澜镇的一座供水水库,入库水主要由东深引水工程调入。抽水入库和持续供水在降低了水体的水力滞留时间的同时,增加了垂直混合,改变了原有的生态过程。为了解这一抽水型水库中轮虫群落结构的变化及主要影响因子,于2012年3-12月对茜坑水库敞水区轮虫进行了逐月采样,同时测定水体的理化因子。10次采样共观测到轮虫30种,其中臂尾轮科9种,异尾轮科4种,这些种类主要是热带、亚热带地区的常见种和优势种类。前节晶囊轮虫、截头皱甲轮虫、圆筒异尾轮虫、角突臂尾轮虫、红多肢轮虫、Keratella tecta、刺盖异尾轮虫、螺形龟甲轮虫、跃进三肢轮虫、奇异六腕轮虫、长刺异尾轮虫、长肢多肢轮虫、广布多肢轮虫、对棘异尾轮虫、剪形臂尾轮虫和热带龟甲轮虫等为优势种。全年的平均丰度和生物量分别为257.5个/L和80.7μg/L,轮虫生物量在后生浮游动物总生物量中所占比例为11%;丰水期轮虫的丰度和生物量较高,进水口和库中的轮虫群落结构在组成和动态上没有显著差异。水力滞留时间是影响轮虫群落组成和动态的主要非生物因子,枝角类的竞争压力是影响群落结构的主要生物因子。
Xikeng Reservoir, located in Shenzhen City, supplies drinking water for Guanlan Town. The reservoir wa- ter storage is mainly pumped from Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Supply Project. Continuous water inflow and water supplying reduce the water retention time, which consequently enhances the vertical mixing intensity and changes the ecological process. To understand the dynamics of rotifer community and their influencing factors, zooplankton was sampled monthly in the open water zone and inlet zone from March to December. Altogether thirty species of ro- tifers were observed, among which nine species were from Brachionidae, 4 species from Trichocereidae. The major- ity of the species were tropical or sub-tropical dominant species including Asplanchna priodonta, Ploesoma trunca- turn, Trichocerca cylindrical, Brachionus angularis, Polyarthra remata, Keratella tecta, Trichocerca capucina, Ker- atella cochlear, Filinia passa, Pedalia mira, Trichocerca longiseta, Polyarthra dolichoptera, Polyarthra vulgaris, Trichocerca stylata, Brachionus fo~cula and Keratella tropica. Total rotifers accounted for 11% of the zooplankton biomass; both abundance and biomass were higher in the wet season than in the dry season, with average abun- dance and biomass of 257.5 ind./L and 80.7 μg/L respectively. The rotifer species composition between pelagic zone and inlet zone had no significant difference. Water retention time was the main physical factor affecting the species composition and the dynamics of the rotifer community, and the competition with cladocera was the domi- nant biological factor.