The use of a free space propagation model or a waveguide propagation model to study the character- istics of the electromagnetic wave propagation in rectangular tunnels will lead to a inaccurate simulation. In or- der to make the propagation characteristics close to the actual propagation characteristics, a hybrid model will be established based on the field strength of the two models. Firstly, the dividing point of the hybrid model will be determined. Then, the effect of electromagnetic wave modes numbers on the accuracy of the hybrid model will be discussed. Finally, the wave mode numbers for different propagation frequencies and tunnel cross-sec- tional sizes will be calculated. According to the simulations, the results show that the accuracy will be greatly improved when the considered modes of the hybrid model reach to a certain number at the dividing point,and the considered mode numbers and the distance between the dividing point and launching point will increase with the tunnel cross-sectional size and the propagation frequency.