引言 沸腾具有极高的换热效率的原因就在于沸腾过程中大量气相对周围液体的扰动。对汽泡形成、生长、脱离等过程机理的了解是理解和优化沸腾换热过程的关键。由于其过程的复杂性,对汽泡形成和消亡的模型研究仅取得了有限的成果。近年来,已经有一些关于核态沸腾过程单汽泡生长模型的报道,得到了一些针对池沸腾和一些大空间流动沸腾汽泡动力学的理论成果。
The process of bubble growth on heating wall in subcooled boiling includes the micro-layer evaporation on heating wall and the bubble top coagulation when the bubbles grow to a certain size and emerge into the subcooled mainstream fluid. Based on this consideration, a model for the single bubble growth of subcooled flow boiling in vertical narrow rectangular channel was proposed. Compared with experimental results, the error of the simulation results using the proposed model is less than ± 25%. The simulation results indicated that as the wall superheat increases, the bubble growth gets faster, with the subcooled degree of mainstream increases, the bubble growth in later stage would be slowed, with the contact angle increases, the contact radius of the bubble bottom and the wall tension would be strengthened, resulting in faster bubble growth to make the bubble to be flat and more easily exposed to the mainstream. The velocity of mainstream has no significant effects on bubble growth rate.