针对弹性分组环(Resilient Packet Ring,RPR)技术中的源路由和环回两种保护倒换机制的不足,文章提出了一种新型保护倒换机制———源节点保护倒换,并对这种保护倒换机制的性能进行了分析。源节点保护倒换克服了源路由保护倒换存在的严重的丢包现象,避免了包失序问题,同时减小了环回保护倒换产生的较大时延和不必要的带宽浪费,充分提高了RPR中保护倒换的性能。
In view of the deficiencies of two protection mechanisms steering and wrapping used in RPR, a novel protection mechanism-source node protection is presented and its performances analyzed. Source node protection avoids serious packet loss and reordering existing in steering protection and reduces big latency and unnecessary waste of bandwidth that wrapping protection imports, fully improving the protection performance in RPR.