提出一种面向移动自组网环境的轻量型的密钥分量更新协议,是对Amir Herzherg等人提出的密钥分量更新协议的改进方案。该协议在每个更新周期开始时选举一个认证节点作为辅助节点,辅助节点在更新自己的密钥分量的同时辅助其他认证节点完成密钥分量的更新。因此,该协议可有效地降低密钥分量更新时所花费的通信代价,从而可以满足移动自组网中每个节点地位平等且可以自由移动等要求。研究结果表明:增设辅助节点不会影响密钥分量更新协议的安全性。
A lightweight key shares renewal protocol is proposed. The proposed protocol is an improvement to the key shares renewal protocol by Amir Herzberg. At the beginning of every renewal period, the proposed protocol seledts an authentication node as an assistant node, which is used to assist all the other authentication nodes to complete the renewal of key shares within one renewal period. Therefore, the proposed protocol can efficiently reduce the communication cost during each renewal period, which helps the protocol meet the requirements in MANETs such as all the nodes being equal and being able to move freely in MANETs. The analysis shows that the security of the proposed protocol is not aftected due to using the assistant node for kev shares renewal.