引言 高铁酸盐是一类具有广泛应用前景和环境友好型多功能精细化学品。高铁酸盐作为碱性介质中的选择性强氧化剂可以用于有机合成;高铁酸盐集氧化、吸附、絮凝、助凝、杀菌、除臭为一体,是一种理想的新型高效水处理剂;同时高铁酸盐也可作为新型铁电池的电极材料。
The decomposition kinetics of FeO4^2- in the aqueous NaOH solutions of 7.0 mol ·L^-1 , 10.0 mol ·L^-1 and 14.0 mol ·L^-1 were determined by spectrophotometry with and without ultrasonic action at 500 W and 25 kHz. The results showed that the decomposition followed first-order kinetics and the rate was faster with ultrasonic action than without ultrasonic action. The decomposition activation energies were 52.4kJ·mol^-1, 70.5 kJ ·mol^-1 and 91.5 kJ ·mol^-1 without ultrasonic action, and 49.6 kJ ·mol^-1, 66.6 kJ ·mol^-1 and 85.9 kJ ·mol^-1 with ultrasonic action, in the aqueous NaOH solutions of 7.0 mol·L^-1, 10.0 mol·L^-1 and 14.0 mol·L^-1 respectively. The fact that the activation energies increased with increasing concentrations of NaOH indicated that FeO4^2- was much stable in a higher concentration NaOH solution. The effect of ultrasound on the decomposition kinetics of FeO4^2- decreased with operating temperature.