When the locations of an agent at two times, and its maximum velocity are known, the agent's location between both those time instances is uncertain. We present a practical method, the total probability theorem, to approximate that uncertainty. First, the minimum (average) velocity from starting point to destination can he computed, and then many dis- crete speed values between the minimum and maximum velocity can be chosen randomly. The random speed variable V follows the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution that describes par- ticle speeds, and thus the probability density function of V, p(V), becomes applicable. Sec- ond, for a discrete speed value v, we calculate the agent's reachable range (x, y) at any time t in time geography. The range follows a uniform distribution, and so at t we may ob- tain p(x, y I v, t), which is the conditional probability of (x, y) given the value of the ran- dom variable V, V= v. Finally, according to the total probability theorem, the probability distribution of the agent at time t, p( x, y/t), is obtained by the equation p(V-=v) p (x, y / v, t) where the parameter V takes all values. When increasing the maximum veloci- ty, experiments show that the total probability variance has a good convergence and steadi- ness, an improvement over the existing method divergence.