通过PCR和RT-PCR在DNA和RNA水平上筛选鉴定SYTA基因T-DAN插入失活纯合突变体,当对野生型与突变体种子进行45℃/4h与50℃/1h 热激后,野生型种子萌发率分别达到100%与86%,而突变体种子萌发率分别只有83%与27%。当对野生型与突变体植株幼苗进行热激处理后,其存活率与叶片萎黄率相差不大,说明SYTA基因能显著提高拟南芥种子的耐热性,但拟南芥幼苗的耐热性不受SYTA基因的影响。
One homozygous T-DNA mutant was identified at DNA and RNA levels by PCR and RT-PCR.After wild-type and mutant seeds were subjected to a heat shock treatment of 45℃/4h and 50℃/1h,wild-type seed germination rate reached 100% and 86%,mutant seed germination rates were only 83% and 27%.When wild-type and mutant seedlings were subjected to a heat shock treatment,their survival rate and leaf chlorosis rate were almost the same.The phenotype of the mutant and wild type after subj ected to heat shock shows that SYTA gene remarkably enhance the Arabidopsis seeds’ther-motolerance.But syta mutant seedlings don’t exhibit reduced basal thermotolerance and acquired ther-motolerance.