针对无线Mesh网络组播中包丢失严重的问题,提出了保持包的IP层不变,而改变包的目的MAC域,进而MAC层以单播形式向组成员发送包的M2U(Multicast to Unicast)优化解决方案.为了满足组成员增加时不影响用户的性能,提出在M2U中引入了机会路由的M2UO(Multicast to Unicast Opportunistic Routing)算法,对候选节点采用单播形式发送包,对其它节点采用组播形式发送包.在实际网络环境中的大量实验表明,优化组播减小了数据包的丢失率,提高了网络的吞吐量,具有较好的组播视频流效果.
With regard to the problem of great data loss rate in the multicast application in wireless mesh network,it is specially valuable to use the way of M2U(Multicast to Unicast) in which packet's MAC destination domain is modified in order that packet can be delivered to certain members of multicast group by unicast.With the increase of multicast group member,data loss rate is rising.In order to ensure the network performance not to be affected,M2UO(Multicast to Unicast Opportunistic Routing) scheme can be put forward,in which packet can be delivered to candidate nodes by unicast and to other nodes by multicast.A great many experiments in the real network indicate that the new scheme can decrease the packet lost ratio,can increase throughput and has a better video effect.