Ray series method is proposed to analysis the scattered fields from an infinite PEC plate coated with a homogenous anisotropic layer. The state vector mentioned by Chew is employed to express the fields in our investigation, and the transmission matrix is defined to describe the EM field variant after a downward and upward trip in the homogenous aniso- tropic layer. The total reflection on the surface of the anisotropic layer can be described by an infinite ray series. Each series are determined by the boundary conditions of the top and bottom interfaces of the anisotropic layer and corresponds to the in- cident field, the single reflection field and the n-th reflected fields respectively. For the practical application, the truncating times of the total contributions of the n-th reflected fields are set, and numerical results that demonstrate the validity of the truncating times are presented. The given examples in the paper show the validity of the method proposed and the rationality of the reflection field.