利用高速摄像机对4名优秀男子手枪速射运动员4s组射击进行现场动作拍摄,同时采用秒表记录各动作时相时间,通过对动作录像和秒表采集时间的分析,来揭示4s射击的时间节奏特点.将4s组射击的动作阶段划分为五个时相:举枪至第1靶击发、第1靶至第2靶、第2靶至第3靶、第3靶至第4靶、第4靶至第5靶.研究发现:4s组每发子弹击发所用帧数为5~6帧(频率为63帧/s),发与发之间间隔帧数间隔帧数在26~38帧,大多数在28~34帧之间;举枪到第1发枪响,时间都在1.4~1.7 s之间,发与发之间的时间间隔在0.4~0.6 s范围内.对于男子手枪速射项目的节奏研究,高速摄像是一种精确、可靠的研究手段.
This paper studies the rhythm of 4 second rapid fire series of four Chinese elite pistol rapid shooters. It collects the video materials by high - speed camera, and records the time by stop watch, following the five action phases: from the start of lifting to the 1st target shooting; the 1st to the 2nd target shooting; the 2nd to the 3rd target shooting; the 3rd to the 4th target shooting; the 4th to the 5th target shooting. The results shows that each period of time for shooting costs 5--6 frames ( at 63 frames per second), the interval between the adjacent shooting costs 26-38 frames, mostly in 28-34 frames; it spent 1. 4-1. 7 seconds to form the start point of lifting to the 1st target shooting spends, the interval between the adjacent shooting 0. 4-0. 6seconds. By the way of mea- surement of high- speed camera the data are suitable for analyzing the rhythm of pistol rapid shooting.