A high degree of coupling coordination between urban land use benefits and urbanization will promote economic and social sustainable development in China. Here, we examine coupling coordination of urbanization and land use benefit as an example of the 34 prefecture-level in northeastern China. The composite index of urban land use benefit and the level of urbanization suggests no synchronous development stage between urban land use benefits and urbanization; all samples are in a retarded or advanced state. The overall coupling coordination degree of urban land use benefit and urbanization of the three focal northeastern provinces is in a higher state;the urban scale of a high coupling degree in Liaoning is higher than that of Jilin and Heilongjiang. Through the analysis of the coordination degree of the urban land use benefit and urbanization, we found that urban areas with a relatively high coordination degree (Dalian, Shenyang, Changchun and Haerhin) are distributed along the Harbin-Dalian traffic economic belt. The degree of coordination shows a distribution trend of outer space of central urban areas based on location, which is that the closer to the urban center, the higher the degree. In future development processes, enhancing the radiation and leading role of urban centers should be the most important measure and this will promote a coupling coordination between urban land use benefits and urbanization.