对掺加不同矿物掺合料的混凝土在不同龄期下的力学性能进行了试验研究,研究了掺合料品种和掺量对混凝土力学性能的影响。试验结果表明:矿粉、粉煤灰和硅灰等矿物掺合料的掺入对混凝土性能有一定的影响,但其作用未必为正效应。在单掺情况下,矿渣和硅灰能有效地提高拌合物的黏聚性,从而改善混凝土强度,但对拌合物流动性有一定影响 掺加粉煤灰能有效提高混凝土的流动性,但产生泌水对拌合物匀质性有不良影响,而且由于粉煤灰的火山灰反应在常温下进行比较缓慢,因此混凝土早期强度较低。在双掺及三掺的情况下,复合矿物掺合料在混凝土中可发生火山灰复合效应、微集料复合效应等交互作用,混凝土强度较单掺有较大提高,由此得出复合矿物掺合料为配制优质混凝土的最佳途径。
The effect of different mineral admixtures is studied on the mechanics function of concrete.The effects of mineral admixtures includ- ing Fly Ash (FA), Blast-Furnace Slag (BFS) and Silica Fume (SF) on workable concrete were investigated,The results showed that both B S and SF can effectively improve the bonding of the mixtures,and then improve the concrete strength at both early and late age; however,both of them can affect the workability of the mixtures.FA can greatly improve the workability of the mixture;however, associated bleeding deteriorates the ho- mogeneity of the mixture and the concrete strength at early age.The performances of concrete with multi-elements mineral are researched,The ac- tion mechanism of that is summarized.The conclusion is that the performance of concrete with multi-elements mineral admixtures is superior to that of concrete with a kind of mineral additive.So the multi-elements mineral additive should be the better method of mixing concrete.