海南某地钨钼矿原矿含Mo 0.56%,WO3 0.28%,Fe 2.44%,钼主要以辉钼矿形式赋存于矿石中,钨主要以白钨矿和黑钨矿形式赋存于矿石中,铁主要以磁铁矿形式赋存于矿石中,属于低品位钨钼铁多金属矿。采用一次粗选一次扫选四次精选的浮选工艺回收钼,浮选尾矿采用弱磁选回收磁铁矿,一次粗选两次精选的重选工艺回收钨。通过试验得到了适合该钨钼多金属矿选矿的浮选-弱磁选-重选工艺流程,该工艺可以得到Mo品位为45.86%,含WO3 0.07%,含Fe为1.12%,回收率为88.19%的钼精矿;WO3品位72.80%,含Fe 0.07%,含Mo0.02%,回收率为82.88%的钨精矿;Fe品位为56.88%,含WO3 0.06%,含Mo 0.03%,回收率为50.15%的铁精矿,实现了对低品位钼钨铁多金属矿的综合回收利用。
There was a sort of wolfram-molybdenum ore with Mo grade of 0.56%,WO3 grade of 0.28%,Fe grade of 2.44% be-longed to tungsten and molybdenum polymetallic ore in Hainan.The existing form was of molybdenum was molybdenite,that of tung-sten was scheelite and wolframite and that of iron was magnetite in the ore.Molybdenum was recovered by flotation process of one roug-hing,one scavenging and four times of cleaning,the magnetite was recovered by low intensity magnetic separation process,and tung-sten was recovere...