Objective: To investigate the time course of semantic and phonological encoding during word production in Chi- nese aphasia patients by event-related-potentials (ERPs) technology. Method: Delaying picture naming task was used during ERPs study to analyze electrophysiological correlation of different patterns of aphasia. Fourteen aphasic patients were divided into three subgroups according to psycholin- guistic assessment in Chinese aphasia (PACA): lexical-semantic impairment, lexical-access impairment and lexi- cal-phonological impairment, compared to 15 healthy control subjects performing the same picture naming task. Result: The subgroup with lexieal-semantic impairment had abnormal ERPs patterns before 400ms, the subgroup with lexical-access impairment had abnormal ERPs patterns between before and after 400ms, the subgroup with lexical-phonologieal impairment had abnormal patterns after 400ms. The time course of abnormal ERPs patterns in different group had much overlap. Conclusion: ERPs can be used as a tool to explore the internal language process in a morbid state and to assist evaluating the aphasia.