该文标注《世说新语》的篇章结构,据此研究其连接词的显隐、语义及用法。研究发现:1)隐式关系(3 346,81.4%)多于显式关系(786,18.6%),17类关系仅有三类(假设,选择,让步)显多隐少;2)各类关系的同义连接词种数与使用有差异,其中种数最多36(顺承),最少则无(总分,背景);3)连接词(90种)单义为多(55),多义为少(35),义项最多为八种(“乃”),分布也有差异。对比发现,《世说新语》与同时期《文心雕龙》的连接词使用有一定差异。
By labeling the structure of Shishuoxinyu, we study the connectives on their explicit and implicit forms, semantic meanings, and usages. It is revealed that: 1) implicit relationships (3 346 instances covering 81.4%) are more than explicit relationships (786 instances covering 18.6 %), with only 3 among 17 types relationships (namely, hypothesis, selection, concession ) are more explicit; 2) types and usages of the synonymous connectives of all the relationships are different, with a max number of 36 types for "continue", and the least as null for "summary elaboration" and "background"; 3) for the 90 connectives, 55 of them are the monosemy, while the rest 35 are polysemy. It is found that there are some differences in the use of connectives between shishouxinyu and WenXin Diao long, both of which written in the same period.