以广东小良退化生态系统为研究案例,对其恢复过程中的生态经济价值进行动态评估。小良退化生态系统的恢复经济价值经过45年的恢复,从初始状态的509元/hm2上升到119070元/hm2。在生态恢复的前15年,恢复经济价值一直以超过1的速度增长,20年后逐渐平缓。按照价值构成进行比较,直接经济价值由初始状态的101元/hm2上升至45年后的32 782元/hm2;间接经济价值由初始状态的408元/hm2上升至45年后的86 288元/hm2,间接经济价值是直接经济价值的2.6倍以上。从各项服务功能在退化生态系统恢复过程中所提供的价值量来看,释放氧气〉固碳〉林木产品(直接使用价值)〉土壤保持〉调节气温〉涵养水源,各项服务功能的恢复经济价值表现趋势各不相同。
An evaluation on the dynamics of restoration ecosystem valuation was made in Xiaoliang Towership of Dianbai County, Guangdong Province of southern China. The valuation of Xiaoliang degraded ecosystem increased from 509 to 119 070 RMB/hm2 during the past 45 years (1959- 2004) . In the first 15 years, the increasing rate was more than 100% and then gradually slowed down after 20 years. If compared by value composition, the direct economic value increased from 101 to 32 782 RMB/hm2 during the 45 years, while the indirect economic value increased from 408 to 86 288 RMB/hm2 . The indirect economic value was 2.6 folds of the direct economic value. According to ecological service categories, the value amount was ranked as 02 relief 〉 carbon sequestration 〉 soil conservation 〉 climate regulation 〉 water conservation. Moreover, the tendency of each service value was different.