As important tourist activities, agricultural tourism plays a crucial role in improving agricultural industry structure and promoting harmonious development of the rural economy. Using agricultural tourism demonstration sites, this paper applies time accessibility and nonlinear fractal methods to calculate accessibility time, concentration and associated fractal dimension of agricultural tourism demonstration centers in Jiangsu province in 2004 and 2010. We found that the overall accessibility of agricultural tourism in Jiangsu province is good, and two average accessibility times were 37.23 min and 26.37 min. The development of a traffic network reduced the accessibility cost of the sites. Analysis of the agricultural tourism layout in Jiangsu province shows that under the comprehensive function of the government, traffic network development, regional economic support, urban location orientation and industrial tourism, the agricultural tourism layout has evolved. Analysis of the scope of influence of agricultural tourism shows that the sphere of influence and service population of Lianyungang Modern Agriculture Demonstration Park and Yangzhou Phoenix Island Eco-tourism were larger; Yixing Sightseeing Agricultural Technology Demonstration Park and Changzhou Hengshan Bridge Town were opposite. Regarding agricultural tourism layout agglomeration features, two times the fractal dimension is less than 1, the decision coefficient R2 value is higher, the fit effect is good, and the concentration characteristics reflected in space are significant. Therefore, the functions of the agricultural tourism space as attractive are becoming more obvious, and space relevance significantly enhanced. Future work will consider an expanded range of factors (such as air and rail infrastructure) and more practically assess agricultural tourism.