目的:对比分析典型主诉良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)患者中变位试验阳性和阴性的患者,探讨BPPV自愈性机制及发病机制。方法详细记录2011.12~2012.4头晕门诊就诊的76例位置性眩晕患者病史、体位试验,45例符合贵阳BPPV诊断标准,31例变位试验阴性,两组患者年龄及病程进行统计学分析。结果BPPV组平均年龄53.5±13.6,阴性组平均年龄49.7±14.8,两组年龄进行独立样本t检验,t=1.076,P=0.286,P>0.05,两组年龄没有差别;BPPV组病程(除外半年以上患者):平均13.5±13.17天,阴性组平均14.2±13.84天,两组病程进行非参数检验,Z=0.429,P=0.668, P>0.05,两组病程没有明显差别。结论BPPV存在不同的类型,具有不同的发病机制,除了管石症及嵴顶耳石症,可能与耳石器官及球囊与椭圆囊神经病变有关。自愈型BPPV可能和耳石器官的轻微病变有关,因此代偿迅速完全。
Objective Analyzing the differences between the typical history with negative and positive positioning test,diss-cussing the possible pathogenesis of spontaneous cure of BPPV.Methods Detailed record 76 cases according the following stan-dards:1.recurrent vestibular vertigo;2.during of vertigo were shorter than 1 mins;3.feeling vertigo when rolling on bed and lying down. Results Of 76 cases, 45 cases accorded with the diagonosis standard of Guiyang meeting, 31 cases presented negative. The average age of positive group and negative group were 53.5 ± 13.6 and 49.7 ± 14.8,doing T test between the two groups, t=1.076,P=0.286,P〉0.05,the difference of the two groups had no statistical significance.The history course of the two groups were 13.5 ± 13.17 days and 14.2 ± 13.84 days,doing noparameter test,Z=0.429,P=0.668,P〉0.05,the difference of the two groups had no statistical significance.Conclusions Besides canalithiasis and cupulolithiasis, part of BPPV may be related with otolith organ or nerve disease. Spontaneous cure mechanism of BPPV may be related with mild disease of otholith or nerve.