2008年9月-200g年8月在东山湾海域进行了污损生物周年挂板试验,共记录污损生物102种,以近岸暖水种为主,其中网纹藤壶(Amphibalanus reticulates)是该海域最具代表性的优势种,其他优势种还有裂片石莼(Ulva fasciata)、双列笔螅(Pennaria disticha)、纵条肌海葵(Hali-planella luciae)、僧帽牡蛎(Saccostrea cucullata)、变化短齿蛤(Brachidontes variabilis)、巴西地钩虾(Podocerus brasiliensis)、梳肢片钩虾(Egasmopus pecteniclus)、强壮板钩虾(Stenothoevali—da)、长鳃麦秆虫(Caprella equilibra)和厦门华藻苔虫(Sinoflustra amoyensis)等。该海区污损生物全年均可附着,附着盛期在4~10月,月板的平均附着量(湿重)为979.43g/m^2,夏季可高达11799.00g/m^2。污损生物群落多样性以夏季最高,冬季最低;随着试板浸海时间的延长,其上污损生物群落的多样性明显增加,且结构也趋于稳定。
The investigation of marine fouling assemblages on a series of artificial test panels in Dongshan Bay was conducted from September 2008 to August 2009. A total of 102 species were identified and domi- nated by Ulva f asciata , Pennaria disticha , Hali planella luciae , Saccostrea cucullata , Brachidontes varia- bills ,Amphibalanus reticulates , Podocerus brasiliensis , Elasrnopus pecteniclus , Stenothoe valida , Caprella equilibra and Sinoflustra amoyensis etc. The fouling organisms were mainly composed of coastal and warm water affinities and the settlements occurred throughout the year, particularly from April to October.The average biomass on the monthly test panels was 979.43 g/m2. The maximum value reached 11 799.00 g/m2 in summer. The multivariable statistical analysis showed that the biodiversity of the fouling commu- nity on seasonal test panels was the highest in summer and the lowest in winter. With extending the panel deployment period,the biodiversity indexes increased and community structure tends to be more stable al- SO.