不当的企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR)表现会让消费者感知企业伪善,从而产生极负面的影响。但"伪善"概念刚经由社会心理学引入营销学领域,亟需准确定义和科学的量表。为此,将以中国文化为背景,通过系列研究,(1)探究CSR活动中消费者感知企业伪善的内涵并与相关概念区分;(2)揭示企业伪善的构成结构,开发多维度的企业伪善量表并进行严格的信度、效度检验;(3)探索其前因后果,特别是实证检验其对消费者态度和行为三个层面的影响。
Improper corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities can cause consumer's perceived corporate hypocrisy, which will bring extremely negative influences to enterprises. The concept of hypocrisy has just been introduced into Marketing, and needs exact definition and a scientific scale. We focuse on Chinese culture, and will conduct series of studies in order to, (1) explores the connotation of the concept of corporate hypocrisy and differentiate it with the relative conceptions; (2) reveal the structure of the construct, develop its scale and take strict reliability and validity examinations; (3) explore its cause and effect, especially its influence on three levels of consumer's attitude and behaviors.