采用非水反应类双组份发泡聚氨酯高聚物注浆材料作为土层锚杆的锚固材料,比传统的水泥浆具有明显的优越性。通过锚索现场张拉对比试验,结果表明,高聚物材料凝固后不但无收缩,而且材料的自膨胀特性具有明显扩孔作用,使得锚杆极限抗拔力提高了近1倍;高聚物材料的不透水性可以防止钢制筋材的腐蚀;高聚物材料能够在15 min内达到其强度的90%,且无需养护,可大大缩短施工工期。
Using the non-water reacted type two-component foam polyurethane polymer as soil anchor grouting materials have clear superiority compared with the traditional cement mortar.Through the contrast test of in situ stretch-draw of anchor cable,the results show that the solidified polymer materials will not shrink and the expansion characteristic of the materials have a obvious role in expanding the size of the hole which makes the ultimate pullout force of the bolt nearly double the increase;Polymer materials are not permeable to prevent the steel reinforcement from corrosion;Polymer materials can reach 90 % of its strength in 15 minutes,and do not need to maintenance,which will reduce the construction period greatly.