The latest progress in the field of photo-induced current of ferroelectric coatings and devices was tentatively reviewed. The discussions focused on:i) its increasingly wide applications in optoelectronics, energycon- version and information storage;ii) the influence of the bulk properties of ferroelectric thin films, including but not limited to the band gap, polarization, barrier height at interface, microstructures of domain, grain size, depolarization field, oxygen vacancies, absorption coefficient, conductivity, and carrier lifetime, on the photo-electric conversion ef- ficiency;ill) the existing technical problems,limiting the separation rate and collection efficiency of the carriers of the ferroelectric coatings, and their engineering solutions via innovative design of novel photovoltaic devices ;iv) the controversial mechanisms responsible for the generation of photo-induced current. In addition, the development trends of the ferroelectric photovoltaic devices were also briefly discussed in a though provoking way.