Since the Fourier transform spectrometer based on multi-micro mirrors s amples the interferogram image which corresponds to each OPD in the transverse o ptical field,the spatial distribution of the irradiance has much effect on the quality of the interferogram.In the present paper,distribution function is i ntroduc ed in this spectrometer system.By means of simulation,the contrast of the inte rf erogram modulated by distribution function is depressed in the fringe area and t he concomitant line appears in the spectrum.According to theory analysis,the d ecline of the contrast lies on the distribution function which scans the interfe rogram periodically.And the concomitant line is the effect of the spectrum shi f t,which belongs to the modulation function.Finally,the difference image an d c onversed recovery arithmetic are proposed.Via the simulation,the conversed r ecovery arithmetic can recover the interferogram and the spectrum evidently.