报道了2000年夏季(1月)在62°~69°S,70°30′~75°30′E的南极普里兹湾邻近海域浮游植物种类组成、丰度分布、叶绿素a浓度及其环境调控.结果表明,调查海区共有浮游植物4门33属65种、变种和变型.浮游植物平均细胞丰度为32.67×10^3个/dm^3.浮游植物细胞丰度和叶绿素a浓度高值均出现在水体较稳定的近岸海湾和冰间湖及毗邻陆架,在大陆坡和深海区它们的值明显减小.浮游植物细胞丰度和叶绿素a浓度在0~50m水层最大,100m以下水层随深度的增加而减小.浮游植物丰度呈昼夜变化,在13:00丰度最高.浮游植物优势种为短菱形藻(Nitzschia curta),占总丰度的24.8%.浮游植物种类组成和细胞丰度与浮冰和水团稳定性有关.经回归分析,浮游植物细胞丰度与水温、溶解氧成显著正相关,与无机磷(PO4^3--P)和无机氮(NO3^-—N)成显著负相关.
A cell abundance, a species composition of phytoplankton, a chlorophyll a concentration, and the relations with environmental parameters were studied in thePrydz Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica (62°-70°S, 69°-77°E) during the austral summer of 2000. A total of 65 taxa, belonging to 33 genera and 4 phyla of phytoplankton in the study sea area were identified. The average cell density of phytoplankton was 32. 67 10^3 ind./dm^3, of which, Nitzschia curta was predominant and accounting for 24.80%. The high abundance of phytoplankton and chlorophyll a occurred in the Prydz Bay and the adjacent continental shelf where the average cell density was 88. 74 10^3 ind./dm%3. The low abundance occurred in the continental slope and deeper open sea area, and the cell abundance was 21.42 10^3 and 10.26 10^3 ind./dm^3, respectively. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton was the highest in the water column 0-50 m, but the low abundance occurred below 100 m. The species composition and cell abundance of phytoplankton were influenced by water masses stability and seasonal ice. The phytoplankton abundance varied with time, high by day than at night, and the highest abundance occurred at 13:00 pm. The correlations of cell density with water temperature and dissolved oxygen were positive, while those of it with inorganic phosphate and inorganic nitrogen concentrations were negative.