对于蛋白质组的研究离不开分析技术的支撑。由于样品及其基质的复杂性,为了实现蛋白质的高通量、高灵敏度、快速分析鉴定,必须发展与之匹配的新技术与新方法。多维高效液相色谱/毛细管电泳技术,部分弥补了传统2D PAGE的不足,近年来,在蛋白质分离鉴定方面取得了最令人瞩目的成绩。本文分别从多维液相色谱分离技术、多维毛细管电泳蛋白质分离平台、微柱液相-毛细管电泳联用技术、极端pH蛋白质的分离分析和蛋白质的在线富集技术等方面对蛋白质组学研究中在新技术与新方法方面近期取得的成果加以系统阐述。
There is indispensable analysis technology for proteomics research. Because of the complexity of sample and matrix, for high throughput, high sensitivity and rapid identification in proteomics research, we need develop new technology and method to match this demand. Multidimensional HPLC/CE technology, partly supply the limitation of traditional 2D PAGE. Recently, they gained notable achievements in protein separation and identification. In this paper, we comprehensively elaborate the achievements from new technology and method for proteomics research as follows: Multi-dimensional HPLC; Multi-dimensional CE; mHPLC-CE; extreme PH orotein analysis and on-line orotein concentration technology.