We use GRACE-derived seasonal variations to correct GPS vertical annual and semi-annual displacements and principal component analysis(PCA) method to filter out the common mode errors. Vertical velocities of GPS sites in the west Qinling are estimated. The precise leveling data observed since 1970 are collected, and the GPS vertical rates are employed as a priori constraints to define the reference frame. Based on linear dynamic adjustment, the present crustal vertical velocity field of the west Qinling is acquired. The results suggest that most regions of the west Qinling uplift rapidly with different rates, which is caused by the crustal shortening of the northeastern Tibetan plateau. The Li- upanshan and south of Tianshui uplift at rates of 3 ram/a, the Longxi block and southern Ordos block uplift at rates of 2 mm/a and 1 ram/a, respectively. The west sections of Qinling mountains and Weihe graben show subsidence, but the Weihe graben subsides faster. The present crustal vertical movement of west Qinling implies that the current eastward extrusion of the northeastern Tibetan plateau transfers from west Qingling-Qinling mountains to Liupanshan and southern Ordos block.