针对基于业务基础平台快速构建领域应用系统,建立了业务过程模型BPM4DBL(business process modelfor dynamic business logic)。模型中包括活动和规则元素,可以描述领域应用中宏观实体和微观知识结构;给出了模型中元素的构建步骤和原则,并定义了模型向XPDL(XMLprocess definition language)和BPEL4WS(bussinessprocess execution language for Web service)的映射规则,从而支持领域应用系统的快速构建。最后给出了一个具体的应用实例。
Aiming at rapidly constructing application systems based on the domain application infrastructure platform, BPM4DBL (business process model for dynamic business logic ) was built. BPM4DBL included rule activity and rule elements, and thus it could describe macro and micro domain applications. After that, the construction steps and principles of the elements of BPM4DBL were given, and then the mapping rules from BPM4DBL to XPDL( XML process definition language) and BPEL4WS(business process execution language for Web service)were defined. Finally, a case study was presented.