Illite crystallinity of loess deposits is a useful proxy for the East Asian summer monsoon in the Chinese Loess Plateau. However, a few studies have only mainly centered on the record since the last interglacial periods. Examination of the paleoenvironmental information of illite crystallinity for the eolian dust deposits over a longer time span would significantly improve our understanding of the East Asian monsoon climate. In this paper, illite crystallinity and illite chemical index were investigated on the 〈2μm of samples from Quaternary loess-palesol and Hipparion Red Clay sequences. The Xifeng section (35°53′N, 107°58′E) , the typical eolian section in the eastern Loess Plateau and is about 228.4m in thickness is selected for this study. The section can be divided into two portions: the upper Quaternary loess-soil sequence (172.5m in thickness) and the lower Late Miocene-Pliocene red clay (55.9m in thickness). Magnetostratigraphic measurements have dated the boundary between the Quaternary loess-soil sequence and the red clay at around 2.6Ma B.P., and the bottom age of the red clay sequence was dated at around 7.6Ma B.P. Previous studies show that the red clay sequence consists of three parts. The upper part (2. 6- 3.6Ma B.P.) is an eolian formation, similar to Quaternary loess-soil sequencei the middle part (6.2- 3.6Ma B.P. ) was significantly affected by groundwater oscillations; and the lower part (6.2 7.6Ma B.P. ) is water-reworked deposits related to alluvial and slope process. 18 and 8 representative samples were selected from the Quaternary loess-soil sequence and the upper part of red clay (2.6-3.6Ma B.P. ), respectively. In this study, all samples for clay minerals analysis were disaggregated in deionized water and treated with 10% n2O2 and lmol/L HAC to remove organic materials and carbonate, respectively. The particles less than 2μm were then subject to pipetting based on Stokes' law. Oriented specimens were prepared on glass slides by the pipette method