采用上海地区2007年1月~2010年11月CALIPSO星载激光雷达Level 2反演资料,对清洁海洋型、沙尘型、大陆污染型、大陆清洁型、污染沙尘型和烟尘型等类型气溶胶垂直分布进行了分析,研究了其季节变化规律.结果表明:霾发生时0~2km高度烟尘型气溶胶出现频率明显高于非霾时,而在2~8km高度,沙尘型、污染沙尘型与大陆污染型明显高于非霾时.0~2km高度春季霾大陆污染型气溶胶出现频率高于其他季节;0~2km夏季污染沙尘型气溶胶与海洋型气溶胶出现频率均高于其他季节,特别是污染沙尘型;秋季霾期间,0~2km高度范围内烟尘型出现频率明显高于2~6km高度;冬季污染沙尘型、烟尘、大陆污染型气溶胶出现频率高于其他季节。
Using the classification data of different layers aerosols from CALIPSO Satellite Lidar Level 2aerosol retrieval data during the haze periods from January 2007 to November 2010, the seasonally vertical distribution of different types of aerosols including clean marine, dust, polluted continental, clean continental, polluted dust, smoke and other types around Shanghai during haze periods were analyzed. The results showed as follows. In 0~2km altitudes the frequency of smoke aerosols' occurrence during haze was significantly higher than during haze-free periods, but in 2~8km dust, polluted dust and polluted continental aerosols' frequency in haze were higher than in haze-free periods. In 0~2km, polluted continental aerosols' frequency in spring was higher than in other seasons during haze. In 0-2km, polluted dust and marine aerosol's frequency in summer were higher than in other seasons during haze, especially polluted dust. In autumn the frequency of smoke aerosols in 0~2km was higher than in 2~6km. the frequency of polluted dust, smoke and polluted continental aerosols in winter were higher than in other seasons during haze.