1引言 单位球面上的插值问题一直是三元插值问题中比较受关注的部分.近年来,球面上的Lagrange插值问题已经得到了很好地解决.例如【1】中给出了构造单位球面上的Lagrange插值适定结点组的一种方法:添加圆周法.【2】和【3]中研究了单位球面上的多项式插值问题,给出了构造单位球面上的插值适定结点组的另外两种方法.
In this paper we deeply research the Lagrange interpolation on the unit sphere. First we study the Lagrange interpolation along a set of latitudes on the sphere and give three kinds of properly posed sets of nodes along the set of latitudes. Then we get a class of properly posed set of nodes for the Lagrange interpolation on the unit sphere by the superposition interpolation process. The result in this paper is an extension and a development of previous work in this field.