为评价以气流床粉煤气化为基础的整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)甲醇多联产系统配置方案,采用Aspen Plus软件对多联产系统进行系统模拟。配置方案中气化工艺分别采用废锅流程和激冷流程,IGCC和甲醇合成组合方式分别采用串联和并联,以相对节能率作为指标对所建立的多联产系统进行评价。结果表明:废锅流程节能效果优于激冷流程。废锅并联组合通往甲醇侧的合成气比例增大时,相对节能率随之增大;废锅串联组合合成甲醇循环气与新鲜气的比例增加时,相对节能率增大。采用分摊算法分别计算了IGCC甲醇废锅并联多联产系统的发电和甲醇合成的煤耗。随着通往甲醇合成侧的合成气量的增加,供电的煤耗显著减少,甲醇合成的煤耗略有减少。
In order to evaluate the configurations of the integrated gasification combined cycle(IGCC)-methanol polygeneration system based on entrained-bed pulverized coal gasification,the polygeneration systems were simulated by using Aspen Plus software.Different configurations,including waste heat boiler process/quench process and series/parallel combination of IGCC and methanol synthesis were evaluated by calculating the relative energy saving ratio.The results show that the waste heat boiler process is more energy-efficient than the quench process.For the parallel polygeneration systems with waste heat boiler process,the relative energy saving ratio increases when the proportion of the synthesis gas to methanol side increases.For the series polygeneration systems with waste heat boiler process,the relative energy saving ratio increases when the proportion of cycle gas increases in the methanol synthesis process.Based on allocation of energy,coal consumption of methanol synthesis and power generation of the IGCC-methanol parallel system with waste heat boiler process were calculated respectively.When the proportion of the synthesis gas to methanol synthesis side increases,coal consumption of power reduces significantly and coal consumption of methanol reduces slightly.