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  • 期刊名称:中国水稻科学
  • 时间:0
  • 页码:639-644
  • 分类:S311[农业科学—作物栽培与耕作技术;农业科学—农艺学] S511.01[农业科学—作物学]
  • 作者机构:[1]扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室/农业部长江中下游作物生理生态与栽培重点开放实验室,江苏扬州225009, [2]江苏省农业机械管理局,江苏南京210024, [3]江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,江苏南京210014
  • 相关基金:基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(30971728,30771275);江苏省高校自然科学重大基础研究资助项目(09KJA210001);扬州大学高层次人才科研启动基金资助项目;扬州大学科研创新培育基金资助项目.
  • 相关项目:氮高效水稻品种的根系特征及其生理基础

在群体水培条件下,以国内外不同年代育成的常规籼稻代表品种(2001年为88个、2002年为122个)为材料,测定干物质量(包括根系)、产量及其构成因素等,采用组内最小平方和动态聚类方法将供试品种按库容量从低到高依次分为A、B、C、D、E、F 6类,研究了各类品种物质生产与分配的基本特点。结果表明:1)供试品种间库容量的差异很大,库容量最大的品种是最小品种的4.26倍(2001)和8.18倍(2002)。A、B、C、D、E、F类品种的平均库容量,2001年分别为426.37、642.53、770.96、903.73、1064.32、1213.90 g/m2,2002年分别为359.36、574.11、764.98、962.43、1200.11、1455.59 g/m2;2)大库容类型品种生物产量、抽穗前干物质生产量、结实期干物质生产量显著大于小库容类型品种;3)大库容类型品种成熟期分配到根系、茎鞘叶中的干物质比例较小,分配到穗中的干物质比例较大,经济系数较高;4)大库容类型品种抽穗期单位干物质库容量较大,结实期单位干物质库容量较小;5)从品种演变角度来看,生物产量对库容量的影响大于经济系数,抽穗期干物 质生产量、抽穗期干物质形成库容的效率对库容量的作用大于结实期同类指标。


To investigate the characteristics of dry matter accumulation and distribution in conventional indica rice (Oryza sativa L. ) cultivars with various sink potentials(SPs), a total of 88 and 122 conventional indica rice cultivars were solution- cultured in 2001 and 2002, respectively. These cultivars were classified into six types based on their SPs by the MinSSw method. Dry matter weight (including root, culm and sheath, leaves and panicle), yield and its components were measured. A sig- nificant difference in SP among the cultivars was found, with the ratios of the maximal SP to the minimum SP being 4.26 times and 8.18 times in 2001 and 2002, respectively. The averages of SPs were 426.37, 642.53, 770.96, 903.73, 1064.32, and 1213.90 g/m2 in 2001, and 359.36, 574.11, 764.98, 962. 43, 1200.11, and 1455.59 g/m2 in 2002, respectively. Theculti- vars with large-SP showed superiority in biomass, dry matter accumulation during heading, grain filling and maturing. The sink potential per unit dry matter weight during heading was higher in the cultivars with large SP, whereas lower during grain filling, compared with the cultivars with small SP. The lower ratios of dry matter distribution to root, culm and sheath and leaf, and to panicle during maturing were found in the cultivars with large SP than those with small SP. The cultivars with large SP showed higher harvest index. The contribution of biomass to SP was significantly greater than that of harvest index to SP. The contribution of dry matter weight and sink potential per unit dry matter weight to SP was significantly greater during heading than during grain filling.
