通过野外植被调查获取小五台亚高山草甸的第一手植被数据,结合室内外测定和模拟的研究区景观尺度的生境特征指标,分析了研究区亚高山草甸地段植物物种与环境因子之间的定量关系。典范对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)排序的结果表明,1)在小五台的亚高山草甸分布地段,热量、养分和水分条件构成了其生境特征差异的基本格局;2)依据研究区的物种在热量、养分和水分梯度上的分布位置,可以划分为暖干、冷干、暖湿、冷湿、凉干、普适和耐干扰型几类物种;3)对于生境温度、养分及水分有特殊偏好的物种可以较好地指示研究区的生境特征。
Data from field investigations of vegetation and surveys of effective temperature, solar radiation and soil wetness index simulation using GIS techniques, were obtained for subalpine meadows on Mt. Xiaowutai, Hebei Province. The relationship between plant species and direct environmental factors which control the distribution of the species was analyzed through canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) ordination. The results showed that. 1) In the study area of Mt. Xiaowutai covered by subalpine meadow, heat, nutrient and moisture described the essential pattern of habitat difference. 2) In the distribution pattern of plant species along the gradients of heat, nutrient and soil moisture, several types of species could be distinguished, such as warm-dry favoring species, cold-dry favoring species, warm-humid favoring species, cold-humid favoring species, widely adaptable species, disturbance-stand species etc. 3) Those species which require special conditions of temperature, solar radiation, nutrient or soil moisture, can be indicators of the habitat characteristics.