Based on the data of 308 questionnaires from Guangdong and Jiangxi Provinces, form theperspective of resources endowment, the paper built a logistic model by introducing the endowment effectfactors by means of empirical analysis, the influence of farmland resource endowment and its endowmenteffect on agricultural entrepreneurial choice. The result showed that entrepreneurial farmers had higherendowment effect and non-agricultural entrepreneur had higher endowment effect than that of theagricultural entrepreneur; the difference of endowment effects produced under different farmlandendowments was obvious for entrepreneurial farmers. Farmland endowment effect had a positive effect onagricultural entrepreneurial choice, village geography and its contracted farm land had significant positiveeffects on agricultural entrepreneurial choice; while village traffic, farmland irrigation and soil fertility hadfailed to pass the test of significance. Thus, we should guide entrepreneurial farmers having preferences foragriculture to carry out agricultural entrepreneurship, incentive farmers of some operating scale to expandtheir business in the agriculture, help farmers to determine the choice of business industry with localconditions and nature.