阿克苏河灌区包括老大河灌区、胜利渠沙井子灌区、多浪 渠灌区和塔里木灌区(包括塔北灌区和塔南灌区)等4个大型灌区。在介绍各大灌区基本情况的同时,重点分析了灌区排入河流主要总排水渠水量及水质特征。结果表明:排水量方面,目前进入河流的排水量与前人研究成果相比较并没有显著减少,排水量年内变化与农田灌溉制度有直接关系;水质方面,虽然引用水(灌溉用水)同样的情况下,水质特征差别比较大,这跟灌区的种植结构和土壤有关,农田排水仍对河流水质造成严重影响。最终,探讨了该地区农田排水出路问题,干旱区灌区土壤水盐动态的研究仍需要比较长时间实践和监测。
Aksu river water irrigates four large - scale irrigation areas, such as Laodahe irrigation area, Shajingzi irrigation area, duolangqu irrigation area and Tarim irrigation area. On the basis of basic information about these irrigation areas, this research mainly analyzed discharge of drainage streams and its water quality. The results showed there was no significant decrease in discharge of drainage, and the changes of discharges in a year corre- lated much to irrigation activities ; water quality of each drainage differed though irrigated by river water of same quality, this was because each irrigation area has some different soil and planting structure. The results also showed these agricultural drainages still had serious effects on river water quality. At last, this research discussed some ways to handle agricultural drainages.