MPEG-4 FGS is a fine-grain scalable coding method for MPEG-4. The 8 * 8 flame interlaced bit-plane coding structure used by the MPEG-4 FGS coding does not support intra-frame dynamic bit rate allocation, and therefore is incapable of supporting content-based streaming transport. Regarding the limitation of the MPEG-4 FGS coding, we propose an intra-frame finegranular scalable coding method (A-FGS) based on the MPEG-7 content description standard to achieve the goal of real-time intra-frame streaming coding.An optimal bit rate allocation algorithm is also provided for the A-FGS coding method.By using the characteristic of having few non-zero coefficient in the intra-frame 8 * 8 macro-block high bit-plane, we apply a dynamic bit rate allocation method to improve the coding efficiency in mid bit rate range by about 0.5dB.