对残锷线蛱蝶(Parathyma sulpitia)(鳞翅目:蛱蝶科)线粒体基因组全序列进行了测定。结果表明:残锷线蛱蝶线粒体基因组全序列全长为15 268 bp, 除了在trnS1(AGN) 和trnE 基因之间有一段121 bp长的基因间隔外, 其基因的排列顺序及排列方向与大多数已测鳞翅目物种基本一致。在蛋白质编码基因中, 除cox1以CGA作为其起始密码子之外, 其余12个蛋白质编码基因都以标准的ATN作为起始密码子。此外, 除nad4基因以单独的T为终止密码子, 其余12个蛋白质编码基因都以TAA结尾。除trnS1(AGN) 缺少DHU臂之外, 22个tRNA基因都显示典型的三叶草形二级结构。除A+T富集区外的非编码序列中, 线粒体基因组共含有11个基因间隔区。其中, 最长的一个121 bp的基因间隔区位于trnS1(AGN)和trnE 之间, 其A+T含量高达100%。另外, 和其他鳞翅目物种一样, 在其A+T富集区的3'端有一段长达18 bp的poly-T结构。A+T富集区内部没有明显的小卫星样多拷贝重复序列, 而含有一些微卫星样的重复结构。本研究基于13种蛋白编码基因序列的组合数据, 用最大似然法和贝叶斯法对蛱蝶科几个主要亚科间共9个代表物种间的系统发生关系进行了分析。结果表明, 本研究的结果与前人的分子系统学研究结论基本吻合(其中, 线蛱蝶亚科和釉蛱蝶亚科互为姐妹群), 而与形态学的研究结论不一致。
The complete mitochondrial genome of the Parathyma sulpitia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae) was determined. The entire mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecule was 15 268 bp in size. Its gene content and organization were the same as those of other lepidopteran species, except for the presence of the 121 bp long intergenic spacer between trnSI(AGN)and trnE. The 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) started with the typical ATN codon, with the exception of the coxl gene that used CGA as its initial codon. In addition, all protein-coding genes terminated at the common stop codon TAA, except the nad4 gene which used a single T as its terminating codon. All 22 tRNA genes possessed the typical clover leaf secondary structure except for trnSI(AGN), which had a simple loop with the absence of the DHU stem. Excluding the A+T-rich region, the mtDNA genome of P. sulpitia harbored 11 intergenic spacers, the longest of which was 121 bp long with the highest A+T content (100%), located between trnSI(AGN) and trnE. As in other lepidopteran species, there was an 18-bp poly-T stretch at the 3'-end of the A+T-rich region, and there were a few short microsatellite-like repeat regions without conspicuous macro-repeats in the A+T-rich region. The phylogenetic analyses of the published complete mt genomes from nine Nymphalidae species were conducted using the concatenated sequences of 13 PCGs with maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. The results indicated that Limenitidinae was a sister to the Heliconiinae among the main Nymphalidae lineages in this study, strongly supporting the results of previous molecular data, while contradicting speculations based on morphological characters.