Current blocking layer (CBL) was used to improve light output power and luminous effi- cacy of the LEDs . The structure of CBL can block the current from entering the active region below the top contact. The shape of current blocking layer impacts properties of LEDs, so we fabricate dif- ferent kinds of SiO2 CBL by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and etched. There are 3 shapes in the experiment: Group A has a whole structure of CBL which approximately has a same shape of top metal contact laver, group B is a Y-shaped which located on top of the up- per confinement, and group C only has a point-shaped structure under the metal pad electrode. Ac- cording to the experiment, we obtain that the difference of voltage between different groups is not too large in low power LEDs, when CBL and P-electrode have the same shape, the LED has the best properties and by 14.6% compared to that of conventional LEDs.