妊娠期急性肝功能衰竭(acute liver failure,ALF)处理非常棘手,对孕妇和婴儿的生命是一种严重的威胁。早期的诊断和治疗是预后的关键,而这需要肝脏外科医师、产科医师和重症监护医师的多学科协作。目前,尽管在急性肝功能衰竭的治疗上已取得长足进步,肝移植仍只是部分患者的最终选择。本文通过系统回顾妊娠期行肝移植的文献报道,结合本移植中心的经验,对妊娠期ALF治疗的标准流程、终止妊娠的时机及哪些患者需要肝移植等问题进行探讨。
It is very difficult to deal with acute liver failure (ALF) during pregnancy, which is a life-threatening disease for mother and fetus. Early diagnosis and management are essential for the prognosis. It requires muhidisciplinary collaboration, including hepatic surgeon, obstetrician and intensive care physician. Despite the present advances in ALF treatment, liver transplantation still remains the final option for some patients. Based on the systematic review of previous reports and the experiences of our transplant center, we discuss several problem in this paper, which are the standard treatment process of acute liver failure, the timing of pregnancy termination, and who needs liver transplantation, etc.