Through analyzing literatures on Leptocybe invasa of Eucalyptus from January 2000 to January 2013, the time distribution, country of authors, influence of literature, research institute and study content were comparatively analyzed. The results showed that most of the literatures conducted in China were published from 2009 to 2011, whereas the peak year was 2010 oversea. Among all the papers, those published by researchers in Asia accounted for 81.38 % of the total. Moreover, the number of papers published by Chinese researchers was the highest, ac- counted for 70 % of the total number. The Pest Control Station of Guangxi published 8.3 % of the total number of papers, which was the institute with the most paper published. Thirty-nine percent of the published papers were joint-completed by different institutes. As far as the authors were concerned, thirty-one authors were core authors published more than 4 papers. Seven journals were the major source of literatures on Leptocybe invasa of Eucalyp- tus, the biological characteristics, control, management, host and resistance were involved. There was no literature on invasion and outbreak mechanism of Leptocybe invasa of Eucalyptus. Promote international cooperation was the direction of study in the future.