The characteristics of computer simulation model of occupant emergency evacuation in aircraft were analyzed according to occupant's behavior and movement, and the influence of accident scenario hazards on human behavior, and the influence of evacuation facilities and crew instruction on occupant evacu- ation. And comparisons were made in qualitative validation between the model simulation results and real accident scenario, and in quantitative one between the simulation results and full-scale evacuation. Then, an emergency evacuation model for occupants in aircraft and its content were presented, which includes five sub-models such as geometric model of aircraft, occupant feature model, human behavior model, fire model and human movement model. The description of occupant emergency behavior and the simulation of occupant movement were the two important bottlenecks influencing the aceuraey of models. Study shows that the results gotten by model simulation are beneficial to the computer-aided design of aviation, optimi- zation of occupant evacuation and development of aircrew emergency procedure, but the difficulty in the validation of the model makes a limitation of their application.