研究了CpG—ODN(CpG oligonucleotides)对非免疫细胞人小肠隐窝上皮细胞(HIEC)照射后微核变化的影响。采用MTT法检测不同浓度的CpG—ODN对HIEC的细胞毒性,检测CpG—ODN预处理后的HIEC细胞在不同剂量辐射后微核率和微核细胞率的变化。结果表明,CpG—ODN在0.00—1.25μmol/L浓度范围内对细胞的存活率没有显著影响,CpG—ODN能显著降低微核率和微核细胞率。实验结果提示CpG—ODN对HIEC有较小的毒性且能减少细胞辐照后的微核形成,具有一定的辐射保护作用。
In order to study the changes of micronuclei cell frequency in the non-immune cell types, the human intestinal crypt epithelial cell (HIEC) was treated by CpG-ODN after radiation. MTT assay and micronuclei assay were used in this research. The result of MTT assay shows that CpG-ODN does not have any toxicity to HIEC in the concentration range of 0.00-1.25 μmol/L. Micronuclei assay measurement indicates that CpG-ODN can protect HIEC from radiation damage by reducing the micronucleus frequency (MNF) and the micronucleus cell frequency (MNCF). The experiment results reveal that CpG-ODN is safe and may have radioprotection effect on some non-immune human cell types.